Connectors, also called logical, discursive or sentence connectors, are words, phrases or expressions that allow us to indicate a semantic relationship between two statements, sentences or parts of a text. 

For example:on the one hand, in sum, on the other hand.

There are different types of connectors and each class reveals relationships of a different nature, including cause, contrast, consequence, addition, opposition, equivalence. 

For example:indeed, so, therefore, in the first place, on the contrary, however.

To take into account: The use of connectors allows a more fluid writing and favors the understanding of the texts. Along with correct spelling and grammar, it is one of the elements that add quality and clarity to a piece of writing. Therefore, it is important to know the function of each connector, in order to use them properly when linking the different ideas in a text.

Sentence connector types

Additive and precision sentence connectors and examples

They provide the meaning of addition and can also be used to specify the information that is transmitted.

connector Example
what's more We will go to the movies and, in addition, to dinner.
likewise The book is entertaining; Also, it is very instructive.
in fact He left home late. In fact , she was late for the appointment.
over The player missed the penalty and, on top of that, he was injured.
it's more I have many books; What 's more , you can take the one you want.
in addition The manager has resigned and, to boot , his entire team has gone with him.
on one side / on the other side On the one hand , he is a very good teacher; on the other hand , he can become very strict.
in reality I assume it will come. Actually, I have no way of knowing.
above all Wear a coat and, above all, good shoes.
besides I do not want to go. Besides , I have a commitment at the same time.

Adversative and counterargumentative sentence connectors and examples

They express opposition or contrast between two statements.

connector Example
However The play was a bit boring; Now , the actors did an excellent job.
on the contrary / on the contrary / on

the contrary
I'm not cold; On the contrary , it is quite hot here.
neverthelessHe studied a lot. However , he failed the exam.
neverthelessWas feeling bad; nonetheless , he went to work.
insteadHe doesn't like fruit; instead , he loves vegetables.
howeverThe young man listened to the entire discussion; however , he did not want to get involved.
althoughDespite the bad weather, they decided to go to the beach.
yes indeedThe property is in price. It is, however , a bit old.
rather wellThings didn't go as expected. Rather , the situation was very tense.

Concessive sentence connectors and examples

They introduce an obstacle or difficulty for the realization of something, but that does not prevent it from happening.

Even so I was exhausted. Still , the job was done.
with everythingHe never studies; All in all , she does well in exams.
even soThe goalkeeper is injured. Even so , he had an excellent performance.
in any way/mannerThe entrance is a bit expensive. Either way , we'll get the money and go to the concert.
anyway/howeverThey packed their bags and left; anyway , they arrived late at the airport.
in any caseI don't think I'll make it. In any case , I'll try.
in any caseYou can go to his house; anyway , she won't be there to receive you.

Consecutive, inferential and causal sentence connectors and examples

They establish a relationship of cause or consequence between two statements.

ThusThey argued strongly and therefore they do not want to see each other anymore.
thenI understand that you do not want to leave your house; So , I'll go visit you.
for that reasonI left in a hurry, that's why I forgot the coat.
so thatI was already tired of driving. So he stopped by the side of the road.
thereforeThe hotel was complete. Therefore , we had to stay in a family house.
consequentlyThe store was not well set up. Consequently , the rain wet all our things.
in this/that wayPatients must announce themselves at reception; that way , the doctor knows that they are already in the office.
thusI already finished my homework; therefore , I withdraw.
consequentlyWhen they arrived, visiting hours were over; consequently , they could not enter the room.
for this / that reasonThe participant did not respect the regulation; for that reason , he was disqualified.
dueMany children missed school because of the rain.
becauseThe flight is delayed due to fog.
because ofThey organized a surprise party for his birthday.

Explanatory sentence connectors and examples

They clarify or detail something that has just been said.

namelyWe will be arriving in two days, that is , on Wednesday.
that isI have everything I need for dinner, that is , food, drinks and dessert.
namelyThe band is made up of different musicians, namely a singer, a guitarist, a bassist and a drummer.
I meanIt started to rain, that is , we will not go anywhere.

Reformulator sentence connectors and examples

They explain, summarize, modify or clarify something already said.

said in another way/formThe striker was key in the victory. Put another way , they wouldn't have won without him.
in other wordsJuan called saying he has a fever. In other words , he won't come to work.
in other termsThe economic plan is not working. In other words , if we don't change course we will be in trouble.
more plainlyPlants are self-sufficient living beings. More simply , they can feed and grow autonomously.
In other wordsOranges provide a lot of vitamin C. In other words , eating oranges is good for your health.

Example sentence connectors and examples

They introduce examples that illustrate something already said.

for instanceConcrete nouns designate things that can be perceived with the senses, for example : house, dog, cloud.
SoPlant species can be very different. Thus , they can be large or small, with or without flowers, perennial or annual.
for exampleThere are moments in life that can be very stressful, for example , a move, a job change or a duel.
so we haveThere are many excellent Borges stories; Thus we have "Death and the compass", "The south", "The Aleph", "Funes, the memorious". 

Rectifying sentence connectors and examples

They correct or modify previous information.

ratherWe will have to work a full day; rather , two six-hour days.
ratherThat he arrived at that hour was something strange; rather , it was rare.
to better sayThe company—or, to put it better , the manager—has already made a decision.

Recapitulative sentence connectors and examples

They conclude or close an idea or a text.

in summaryWe have walked, read, rested, eaten and drunk. In short , we had an extraordinary vacation.
in the endShe will do what she wants. Ultimately , it is her decision.
after allThis could not have been possible without everyone's collaboration. At the end of the day , it is a collective project.
in conclusionMore than half of the deputies were absent; In conclusion , the project could not be dealt with.
definitelyYou can go dressed as you want; In short , it is an informal party.
in summaryEverything said so far, in short , confirms that the decision made was correct.
in sumThe plant is finished. In short , it only remains to inaugurate it.
anywayHe was good, supportive and empathic, in short , an excellent person.
In shortThe presidential speech was extensive, but, in short , it did not contribute anything new.

Orderly sentence connectors and examples

They organize information sequentially and present facts and ideas in an orderly fashion.

 connector Example
Start or previous first of allWe must buy many things. First of all , let's take care of the food.
first / lastIn the first place , we will go to Madrid; then we will visit Barcelona.
FirstlyFirstly , we will talk about the reasons for the crisis, and then we will focus on possible solutions.
in principleYou have to bring a lot of coat. In principle , a good jacket and thermal clothing.
to startTo begin with, we would like to thank all of you for being here tonight.
simultaneity or continuitynext The second place will be announced and then the winner of the contest.
second/final First, we will analyze the causes and, secondly , the consequences.
next The president of the company will speak, followed by the vice president.
Closing or later FinallyFinally , after so much waiting, the reward arrived.
finallyFirst they went to the park, then to have a snack and, finally , to the movies.
to endThe writer spoke about his novel and, to finish , he signed copies.
in the last placeTo discharge the patient, it remains to wait, lastly , for the results of the ultrasound.

Argumentative support sentence connectors and examples

Structure ideas for argumentative purposes.

having said thatThe director stated that he no longer had anything to contribute to the company. With that said , he tendered his resignation.
things like thatThe car broke down. This being the case , we will have to look for another means of transport.
in view of itGood weather is expected today. In view of this , they will go sailing this afternoon.
as wellWell , after all the above, we can conclude that it is a measure that favors those most in need.

Digression sentence connectors and examples

They introduce marginal comments regarding the thread of the argument.

by the wayToday it's a sunny day. By the way , I love sunny days.
to all thisWe'll go to the beach tomorrow. To all this , I still did not get a bathing suit.
by the wayWe had a lovely evening. Incidentally , the food was prepared by a chef of international prestige.
aboutThe minister referred to the current situation in the country. Regarding the economy, he stated that growth will only be seen in the coming months.
in bracketsThe movie was very good. Parenthetically , we were late for the movies because Juan got sick just before leaving.

Examples of sentences with connectors

  1. The boy was tired and, moreover , hungry.
  2. I really like the theater; In fact , I want to invite you to see a play.
  3. On the one hand , I feel like going out for a walk; for another , it's too cold.
  4. His dream was to buy a house. However , it was not within his possibilities.
  5. Juan loves going to museums; On the other hand , Pablo enjoys outdoor activities more.
  6. Despite the fog, the plane took off just the same.
  7. The woman was not feeling well. Still , she decided to attend the event.
  8. We have to leave because the restaurant is closing. Anyway , we've already finished eating a while ago.
  9. He felt very cold, so he decided to turn on the heating.
  10. The boy has a cold, that's why he missed school. 
  11.  My grandmother is a person who keeps many memories; for example , she has a doll of her when she was little.
  12. The course is given in two days, since it lasts 16 hours.
  13. Tomorrow there will be a transport strike. Therefore , the factory will remain closed.
  14. They will return to the country in three months, that is , almost at the end of the year.
  15. First of all , we must beat the eggs. Secondly , add the flour in the form of rain.
  16. It snowed during the whole vacation; I mean , we almost couldn't leave the house.
  17. I liked the art exhibition a lot, rather , I loved it.
  18. The conference was short, precise and very interesting, in short , a complete success.
  19. It is about to rain. By the way , she didn't bring an umbrella.
  20. We will visit Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and, finally , Prague.

Caution: From traditional grammar, conjunctions and conjunctive phrases are usually considered as types of connectors, since they resemble them in function and meaning. However, the New Grammar considers that they do not belong to this class. The connectors guide the reading of a text and logically link the ideas that are sought to be conveyed, while the links —in particular the coordinates , which are always conjunctions or conjunctive phrases— refer only to strictly grammatical elements.


Passionate about understanding and contributing to a world that does not stop changing. New forms of Work, Sustainability and Technology. For many years he has worked as a creative for large international companies. He has a Ph.D. in information technology and he has been doing quantitative research in the interdisciplinary areas of information systems, cyber security, data analytics and artificial intelligence. He continue to look for creative solutions through technology to help companies to be more humane and sustainable..

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