You probably have a strong desire to get rid of something or someone. If you dream of running water, it is a sign that you need to get away from your current situation and find some peace. You can use water in your dreams as a symbol of whatever aspect of your life is weighing you down. Running water in dreams can also mean that you are feeling restricted because you are unable to fully express yourself, or it could indicate that someone is trying to limit your independence. Remember that each dream represents something about you, so try to identify which areas of your life this dream may represent, as well as why it has arisen at this time. Below you will find more information about what the symbolism behind running water means: END >


A waterfall is a waterfall or any body of water that flows over a cliff. Waterfalls are a common symbol in dreams and can have many meanings. You may be dealing with a problem that is making you feel overwhelmed. Or maybe you are trying to express yourself better, but you need to do it in a more controlled way. Cataracts can also show you how you let your personal problems get the better of you and negatively affect those around you.

Cataracts can also represent a change in your life that you are not yet ready for. You may be afraid of what may happen as a result of this change, or you may not be fully prepared to deal with the consequences of this change. Depending on the location of the waterfall, you may also be dealing with some insecurity issues in your life. Waterfalls in dreams can also represent your need for structure and control.


A river is a natural flow of water that is usually fed by melting snow or rainfall during the season in which it runs. It is a very powerful symbol and represents a long-term pattern in your life. When you dream of a river, pay close attention to the banks and the water itself because they will give you clues as to what that pattern or issue is in your life.

Rivers represent long-term patterns in your life. Depending on where the river runs, it can also represent what situation or journey you are currently in. If the river is flowing in the wrong direction, you may be taking the wrong approach to a problem in your life. A river in your dream can also represent an aspect of yourself that is ready to surface and be expressed.


A pool of water represents a situation in your life that is still and calm, but it can also symbolize hidden emotions. Lakes appear in many dreams, but they rarely have any significant meaning, unless the lake has special meaning to you. When you dream of lakes or ponds of water, pay attention to their color and sound. What does the water look like? How does it sound when flowing? The color and sound will give you clues about the meaning of the dream.

A pool or a lake of water represents a calm situation in your life, but it can also represent hidden emotions. Pools and lakes are often a peaceful environment, but they can also offer you the opportunity to release those hidden emotions. If the water has a dark color or sound, it may represent some unresolved issue in your life that you need to address.


An ocean is a large body of water that connects with many other bodies of water. It is a symbol of change and transformation. Sometimes you can even hear the crashing of the waves in your dreams. It is a sign that you may be facing some changes that cause you stress.

Dreaming of an ocean can signify a major change or transformation in your life. It can also represent something in your life that is out of your control or over which you have no control. Beaches are usually quiet and peaceful places, but they can also be hectic at times. They represent a calm environment, but can also represent uncertainty and change.


A flowing fountain represents the need to express yourself, but it can also mean that you are bottling up your emotions. A fountain flowing with water is a beautiful symbol, but it can also indicate that you need to relax and take a break from the stress in your life.

A flowing fountain with water represents your need to express yourself, but it can also mean that you are bottling up your emotions. The flow of water from the fountain can also indicate how you express yourself. If the water is flowing smoothly, you are expressing yourself calmly, but if the water is flowing forcefully, you are expressing yourself energetically.


Showers and rainbows appear in many dreams, but they do not usually have a significant meaning, unless you are an artist or are interested in the weather. If you dream of showers, it is likely that you are dealing with some problems in your life. If you dream of a rainbow, it is a sign of hope.

Showers and rainbows appear in many dreams, but they don't usually have a significant meaning, unless you are an artist or are interested in the weather. If you dream of showers, it is likely that you are dealing with some problems in your life. If you dream of a rainbow, it is a sign of hope.


Dreams are an incredible gift, and you should never forget how powerful they are. They are a form of self-expression and can help you understand your life. Whatever your dream is, it is expressing something about you and your life, so try to identify what it represents. This can help you understand yourself better and have a more fulfilling life.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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