Being able to interpret your dreams is a great gift that you can use in your daily life. Your dreams are an escape valve for all the things that happen inside you, so it is important to understand and analyze them. Dreams with witches can refer to different things, depending on the rest of your dream and if other symbols are present. It can mean something bad or something good.

For example, if you dreamed of a witch who was kind and helpful, then this means something positive about you. On the other hand, if you dreamed that you were being chased by a witch or that you yourself were one, it could indicate suspicion towards someone you trust or repressed feelings.


A witch is a person who practices witchcraft and has magical powers. Traditionally, witches were thought to be female and were often depicted as ugly and old. They were often hunted down and killed in Europe, where they were thought to be evil and use their powers to harm others. Therefore, dreaming of a witch can have different meanings, depending on whether your dream is good or bad. If you have dreamed of a witch who was evil and tried to harm you, then this could be a sign of your fears or repressed feelings towards someone you know.

If you dreamed that you yourself were a sorcerer or that you were meeting another sorcerer, then this could indicate your repressed emotions. If you dreamed that you were a good witch, then this could mean that you want to use your powers for good, but you are afraid to do so. It can also be a sign that you want to be more independent from other people.

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Witches were often depicted as evil people who used their magic to harm others, but they were also associated with healing and herbs. They were often thought to have magical powers and were often depicted as old and ugly. In dreams, a witch can symbolize someone trying to control you and your actions.

If you have dreamed that you are a witch and that you do witchcraft, it can mean that you control your actions and that you try to harm someone with your power. It can also mean that you are in control of your feelings and emotions and that you are able to use them to your advantage.

If you dreamed that you were a witch but you were healing people with your magic, then this could mean that you are trying to do good with your power and trying to help people. It can also indicate that you feel like you want to be in control of your own life, but are afraid to go out and do what you want.

good witch

If you dreamed that you were a good witch, then this can mean that you want to use your powers for good. It can also indicate that you want to be more independent from other people.

If you dreamed that you were a good witch who helped people but you were afraid that someone you know would find out, then this could mean that you are afraid that someone will stop you. It can also mean that you are afraid of being found out and that you have feelings that you do not want others to know about.

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A bad witch is a bad witch who is usually portrayed as ugly. She is often associated with curses, death, and destruction. If you have dreamed that you were a bad witch, this can mean that you are afraid of someone and that you are worried that they will do something that will cause you harm.

If you dreamed that someone turned into an evil witch and tried to harm you, it can mean that someone has bad intentions towards you and is trying to destroy your life. It can also mean that you mistrust someone and that you are afraid that something bad will happen.


If you dreamed that you were a witch, it can mean that you are going through changes in your life and something is going on under the surface. It can also mean that you mistrust someone or that you feel that you are being controlled by someone.

If you dreamed that someone was a witch and was trying to harm you, then this can mean that you feel that someone around you is trying to control you or that you feel that everyone is suspicious of you.

If you dreamed that someone was a good witch and helped you, then this can mean that you feel that someone is taking care of you and that you feel protected. It can also mean that you need to heal and that you feel that someone is helping you to solve your problems.


Dreams with witches can be nightmares or pleasant dreams, depending on the rest of your dream and the personality of the witch. They can be a sign of change, transformation, or an indicator of your repressed feelings. They can also be a sign of your fears, or a cry for help from your subconscious.

The witch's personality and the rest of the dream can offer clues as to its meaning. If you have dreams about witches, try to relax and analyze them to see what they mean.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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