Everyone has friends in their past. Some of your high school friends may not have gone to the same college as you or may not have kept in touch after graduation for other personal reasons. You may have positive or negative feelings when you meet them again, but that doesn't stop you from getting along with them.

It is natural for you to have mixed feelings towards people from your past. Your relationship with them can be complicated, especially if they were part of something that hurt you deeply at the time. In these cases, it is common for old friends to return to your life and cause you mixed feelings. If you're trying to figure out if these thoughts are just a normal response to meeting someone from your past or if they represent something more important, read on to find out what it means to dream about friends from the past.


If you dream that you are reunited with old friends, there may be a part of you that wishes you had kept in touch with them, even though you now have no idea what to do with those thoughts. The fact that you meet again in your dream and feel joy to see those old friends again suggests that there are positive feelings associated with them.

If you dream of an old friend and are left with only sadness or regret, you may feel regret that you were unable to keep in touch with that friend or that you did not have a chance to say goodbye when you parted ways. These feelings can also come from the feeling that you have lost a part of yourself, or that a part of you is missing because you no longer see those friends. If you were good friends, you may also feel sad that you never told them how much they meant to you.

Additional Reading: Dream About Chicken (Hen) – Spiritual And Biblical Meaning


If you dream that you are reunited with an old friend, this can suggest that you are ready to face some of your demons from the past, or that you are ready to forgive someone who hurt you in the past.

If you are with your friend in a place that is familiar to both of you, this can suggest that you feel ready to deal with the past in a way that is constructive and positive for both of you. If you are in a place that doesn't matter to you or your friend, this can suggest that you are ready to face your demons, but in a way that may not be constructive.

If you are confronting your friend in your dream, this can suggest that you feel ready to forgive them for anything they have done to you in the past or feel ready to confront them about what they have been through.

If your friend confronts you and you respond with anger or hostility, this may suggest that you are not ready to face demons from the past, or that you are not ready to forgive your friend.


If you dream that you have a fight with an old friend, this can suggest that you are letting go of anger that you may have been holding onto for years.

If you confront your friend about a matter from the past and they are dismissive of your feelings, this may suggest that you have not let go of that anger.

If your friend confronts you and you feel they are right, this can suggest that you have let go of anger, but you may still feel defensive because you are letting go of a part of yourself.

If you confront your friend and they apologize, this can suggest that you have put your anger aside and are ready to move on with your friend.

Further Read: Dream About Ticks – Spiritual And Biblical Meaning


Dreams about the death of someone close to you can come with a strong emotional impact. Most of the time these dreams are not literal, but rather a way for your mind to process the feelings that are bothering you. It may help to ask yourself what feelings you are having and why.

You may be worried about losing contact with your friends. You may be worried about losing someone close to you. You may be worried about the state of the world.

You may feel a lot of uncertainty in your life. You may feel overwhelmed. You may experience a lot of anxiety. You may feel stressed.

You may experience increased grief or grief that you have been pushing away.

You may feel nostalgic or have a lot of regret. You may have thoughts about your life that you wish were different. You may have identity issues and feel like you no longer know who you are. You may feel like you are in a rut and don't know how to get out of it. You may feel lost and confused.


Dreams are an incredible way to explore your psyche and gain insight into your own emotions and thoughts more effectively than any other method. When you have recurring dreams, it is often helpful to explore their meaning, especially if they are distressing or meaningless dreams.

If you learn what your dreams about friends from the past mean, you can begin to process your feelings and move on with your life. That said, it's important to remember that dreams are very subjective and what one person may dream may have a completely different meaning to another.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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