Being your ex and their new partner in a dream could mean that you are not over it yet. It can also mean some unresolved issues with the breakup, or even unspoken feelings that you still have for him. Consider the following explanations of what it means to dream about your ex and her current partner before proceeding to a deeper analysis of your personal situation.

His ex and his new partner represent your insecurities about the breakup.

The breakup is always associated with feelings of insecurity and lack of self-esteem. In dreams, her ex and her new partner can indicate a lack of trust that is often associated with a breakup. If he dreams about her ex, but with a new partner, it could be a sign that he is still insecure about the whole breakup process, and the feelings left unresolved.

The ex and the new couple indicate unresolved issues with the breakup.

If you dream about your ex, but with a new partner, it could indicate unresolved issues with the breakup. The dream may be reminding you that you must learn to solve those problems before they become serious and even more difficult to solve.

The ex and your current partner symbolize feelings not expressed by your ex.

If you dream about your ex with your current partner, it could be a sign that you tend to bottle up your feelings and have not expressed your feelings to your ex. It could be your subconscious that wants you to be honest with what you feel and what you are experiencing. Each person has feelings, needs and emotions and needs to make them known in order to release them.

This dream could also mean that you are trying to replace your ex with your current partner. This may be a sign that you are not ready to move on yet and that you are still clinging to your ex.

The ex and your current partner mean that you are not over it yet.

If you dream about your ex and your current partner, it could mean that you are not over your ex. Dreams tend to reflect our current moods and feelings, so if you dream about your ex and your current partner, but you don't really feel anything for your current partner, it could mean that you are still not over your ex and that you are trying to suppress those feelings.

Dreams are very personal and interpretive, so one person's dream may vary from another's dream. When you dream about your ex and her current partner, it is important to take into account your feelings, your state of mind and your general situation to determine what the dream means to you.

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When you dream of your ex together with their new partner, it can mean that you are not over it yet and you have some unresolved issues with the breakup. It can also mean that you are trying to replace your ex with your current partner. When interpreting your dreams, it is important that you take into account your feelings, your state of mind and your general situation before proceeding to a deeper analysis of your personal situation.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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