Was it with your boss? With a stranger? Be that as it may, all your dream fantasies have an explanation, and it is probably not the one you think.

There is no person on the planet who has never had a strange erotic dream. For example, with someone close to you (your boyfriend's best friend, your boss, someone you hate with all your soul ) that you don't like at all. After that, it is quite common to find yourself a little uncomfortable next to that person, and you cannot help but wonder if it is not that, deep down, deep down in your subconscious, you do not feel attracted to them in some way.

Dreams do not understand rich or poor and, luckily, we all have them. From the earliest times, human beings have been obsessed with it, as they allow us to travel to unknown places and live strange experiences without moving from our bed. Some, like Freud, tried to respond to those oneiric fantasies that are repeated in all cultures and countries. You dream that your teeth fall out, that you fly, that you try to scream and you can't or that you have forgotten your shoes and you are barefoot, and, of course, you also have erotic dreams, but what do they mean?

It is not easy to determine exactly what your unconscious is trying to reveal during REM sleep, but experts know how to respond to those fantasies that are repeated in many people and that leave them worried about their possible meaning . Don't worry, they usually have little to do with what they represent. These are some of the cases.

The Most Common Sexual Dreams And What They Really Mean

Having Sex With An EX

It can imply that you want an escape, that you need passion, excitement, all the wonderful things that make you feel alive. A dream analyst who has investigated the dream fantasies of more than 75,000 people around the world , explained in 'Prevention' : "You don't have to worry, it doesn't mean that you secretly keep pining for him/her. They usually happen when you're in a period of drought and that you need to feel loved again. It is also quite common that you dream of the father or mother of your children, it means that you want to continue with that person but you intend to make a common front for the good of your offspring".

No matter how badly they ended, if you are already in love with someone else or if you really feel like you forgot, this dream often has the power to shake the ground for the most solid woman, because it usually puts the focus on the emotional and physical connection that there was between you.

The Most Common Sexual Dreams And What They Really Mean, Fake dreams to tell your crush

Its meaning is that if you do not have a partner, you may be longing for a similar type of connection, and if you already have it, it is because you fear the new thing that you can experience with him.

This dream comes in all its variants: you may find yourself peeing standing up, trying to adjust your pants to your new anatomy, or you may simply feel the weight of having a new body part.

Its meaning is related to virility. Dreaming about this speaks of your relationship with power and authority, and how you deal with the characteristics that are usually associated with the masculine.

A darker connotation could indicate that you reject femininity as too passive, controllable or weak. In any case, it is a dream that forces you to ask yourself how happy you are with the relationship that exists between your feminine part and your masculine part, or if there is any imbalance between the two.

Sex Dream About Boss Or Colleague

Perhaps you are quite worried because you have dreamed that you had more than just words with your boss or a co-worker and that has plunged you into shame and discomfort for a week. Actually, it is a way of showing yourself that you have to improve something: power figures indicate that you have to assume that authoritative role and make decisions in your own life . Do you dream that you have relations with a stranger? Normally it is because you seek to possess a series of qualities that you unconsciously attribute to it.

On the other hand, the issue of your partner is more tricky. "If every time you think about that person your heart beats a little faster, well, that's pretty clear," says the analyst. "But if you wouldn't sleep with that person even in painting , maybe it has to do with the fact that they have a set of values ??that you would like to incorporate into your own personality ."


Do you dream that your partner is cheating on you? According to research, they are the most common. If you have been cheated on in the past and the dream repeats itself, it means that you still have distrust and you have not been able to overcome it . If not, then you need to find out what is the third wheel in your relationship . It doesn't necessarily have to be a person, maybe it's football or yoga.

In public

Just like having sex with a co-worker, the interpretation of this dream depends on how you respond. If you find yourself enjoying this dream: "This may mean that you want people to see you as irresistibly attractive and want to brag about your relationship," explains psychiatrist Carole Lieberman . "But if you feel shame instead, it could mean you're afraid of being exposed, for some reason," she adds.

Dream About Having Sex With Your Best Friend

You never felt attraction to him, and that is probably the secret of their long friendship. But despite the fact that he never crossed your mind, in this dream you do the most XXX things that a person can think of, and you love it. This type of dream can awaken desire in the real life .

Dream About Making Love With Your Best Friend, Fake dreams to tell your crush

The meaning is relative, because it depends a lot on the details of the context. If he became a boyfriend, you may be wondering what it is about that woman that makes him feel attracted to her and not to you (even if you don't like her) and unconsciously put yourself in that place.

You may also be wanting a man to take care of you, understand you and have the characteristics that he represents.Eye , it may also be that it really attracts you.

Dream About Having Sex With A Celebrity

Dreaming (even when awake) of having sex with a sweetheart is easy and its meaning is obvious: there is desire and fantasy. But what happens when it comes to a celebrity that we never pay attention to or, worse yet, we don't like at all?

Dream About Making Love With A Celebrity

What do you think it means?

That you lost your judgment and are capable of hitting anything.

What do you discover on the couch?

Even when the person seems repulsive to you, there is some real, visceral attraction in the unconscious act of choosing them for sex in a dream. Maybe it reminds you of someone, maybe it represents a part of you that you would rather deny, or it really does have a quality, one in particular, that overcomes all conscious revulsion.

Dream About Having Sex With a Girl

Dream About Making Love With a Girl, Fake dreams to tell your crush

You are not a lesbian and you are not bi, but in this dream you act like you are. You really like her and she inspires you to do things that you wouldn't even think of in your waking life.

What do you think it means?

Two questions: will I like girls? should I try?

What do you discover on the couch?

In most cases (and you will know if it is yours) it has nothing to do with homosexuality. He could relate to rivalry or a desire for dominance. In other cases he plainly expresses admiration for a certain woman or her characteristics. If you don't know who he was, you should think about what attracted you so much and analyze if you have it yourself.

Spiritual Meaning Of Having Sex In The Dream With A Stranger

In some spiritual traditions, dreaming about having sex with a stranger is believed to have various meanings. Here are a few interpretations that might help you understand your dream:

  1. Unresolved emotions: Dreaming about having sex with a stranger may indicate that you have unresolved emotions or desires in your waking life. It could be a sign that you're looking for something new or exciting to fill an emotional void.
  2. Hidden desires: This dream could also be a manifestation of your hidden desires and fantasies. It may be a way for your subconscious to explore your sexual preferences or to bring to the surface desires that you may have suppressed or ignored.
  3. Spiritual awakening: In some spiritual traditions, sex in dreams is believed to symbolize a union with the divine. Dreaming about having sex with a stranger could indicate a spiritual awakening or a desire to connect with a higher power.
  4. Warning sign: In some cases, dreaming about having sex with a stranger could be a warning sign of potential danger or risky behavior. It's important to examine the details of the dream and your emotions during the dream to determine if this is the case.

Overall, the spiritual meaning of dreaming about having sex with a stranger can vary depending on your cultural or personal beliefs, the details of the dream, and the emotions felt during the dream. It's important to pay attention to any messages or feelings that may carry over into your waking life and to seek guidance from trusted sources if needed.

Dream Of Having Sex With A Family Member

It is a feminine classic. It usually has nothing to do with incest. In the dream it seems normal to us and (this is terrible!) we even enjoy it. It becomes a nightmare only when we wake up and see it from the rational perspective.

What do you think it means?

That you are a degenerate and an incestuous! And you're even embarrassed to tell it in therapy.

What do you discover on the couch?

It is normal for this to happen to you since, ultimately, they are the people we see the most and with whom we interact the most during the day. Perhaps you think that there is no one like him or, even though he leaves much to be desired, you continue to feel an irrepressible attraction towards some of his qualities. Of course it's not a sexual attraction, but it is a strong admiration. And, when thinking about sex, you want the person you do it with to give you all that security and protection that your relatives give you. There is also the Oedipus theme, obviously!

Thank you for reading our post about Love Making Dream. Please leave us a comment below and let us know your experience! As a note, never make use of fake dreams to tell your crush to impress them. They will anyways know that you were lying one day.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational purposes only and has been developed by referring to reliable sources and recommendations from Dream Analyst. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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