We explain to you what a good mother is like, the way of acting that she should have in certain situations and what her characteristics are.

How is a good mother?

A good mother is a loving and caring figure who is committed to providing emotional and physical support to her child. She is patient, kind, and understanding, and goes above and beyond to ensure her child feels safe, happy, and valued. A good mother is a role model, leading by example and imparting important values such as empathy, responsibility, and integrity. She is a nurturer, providing guidance and support as her child grows and develops, while also encouraging them to become independent and confident individuals. A good mother is a source of unconditional love and a constant presence in her child's life, offering comfort, support, and guidance through all of life's challenges.

What is considered a good mother varies according to time, society, religion and ideology. But in all cases, the goal is for the mother to be able to offer her children what they need to fully develop, at least until they become adults.

Although affection is the fundamental pillar of motherhood , balance is also central, since it prevents excesses from being committed (for example, by protecting or pampering them). A mother's roles change once her children reach adulthood , but that doesn't mean they're unimportant.

Characteristics of a good mother :

  1. Be aware of the needs of each age

Be aware of the needs of each age

The care required by a five-year-old child is not the same as that required by an adolescent or an adult child. Being aware of how children grow and to what extent their capacities (intellectual, social, physical, etc.) are developing will allow all of the following characteristics to be adapted to their needs.

For example, depending on the age of the children, the mother can choose or not: how they dress, where they study, what they eat , how much money they have, what activities or relationships are dangerous for them.

  1. Support the interests of children

Motivating children to develop activities that interest them is a way to strengthen their self- esteem and also help them build their vocations. Even if the mother finds these interests ridiculous or boring, supporting the children's choices helps them develop as individuals as well.

  1. Patience


Disagreements can arise at any time in a child's development. If they are young and must obey, patience will serve to explain to them why they must obey or to hold their position without backing down from their complaints. If they are somewhat older and already make their own decisions , patience will help them accept this change.

  1. Generosity


The resources of each mother are different, for example, some have more economic resources, others have more time , others have the means that will help their children to develop professionally, others have the ability to comfort them in the face of problems.

Whatever the mother's available resource, sharing it with her children helps them not only because of the value of what they receive, but also because it helps them perceive their mother's affection .

  1. Openness to dialogue

Offering advice or comfort to children when they talk about their problems, without judging them, signals a mother's willingness to help or simply listen. Children often don't take the initiative to discuss their concerns, but showing interest in them is a first step in letting them know they can count on their mother.

  1. Admit mistakes

admit mistakes

It is not necessary to show yourself as an infallible being to retain the respect of children. On the contrary, admitting mistakes and apologizing is a way to foster dialogue , trust and respect . Also, watching their mother admit that she is not perfect helps children to be more understanding of their own mistakes and difficulties.

  1. Set limits and stick to them

The limits that should be imposed on children (before adulthood) vary with age but also with each individual child. Not all children and adolescents need the same limits. These are determined taking into account their safety, the possibility of enhancing their development capacities and also the family well-being.

  1. Allow mistakes

A mother's protection must not be exceeded to the point of not allowing the children to follow their own initiative. Children and young people learn from their mistakes becoming more independent beings.

  1. Promote good habits

Promote good habits

Daily habits teach much more than long speeches. The mother can transmit her principles and values in everyday situations, promoting both values (for example, respect or perseverance) and certain attitudes (the expression of affection, joy).

  1. Happiness

Seeking the well-being of the children is only possible if there is a minimum of well-being in the mother, not only because it favors the family climate but also because it allows the mother to have more resources ( time , affection, happiness, patience) to share with their children.

Ultimately, being a good mother is about being there for your child, providing love, support, and guidance as they navigate through life.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational and educational purposes only and has been developed by referring reliable sources and recommendations from technology experts. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


MA student of the TransAtlantic Masters program at UNC-Chapel Hill. Political Science with a focus on European Studies. Expressed ideas are open to revision. He not only covers Technical articles but also has skills in the fields of SEO, graphics, web development and coding. .

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