We explain what Postmodernism is, its characteristics and its position on modernity. Also, globalization, equality and sustainability.

What is Postmodernism?

Postmodernism is a cultural and philosophical movement that influenced the arts and critical thinking from 1960 to the present day. It is based on a general skepticism, on questioning what is raised from reason and prioritizing subjectivity and the idea of the relative .

It arose, in large part, as a reaction against the modern movement that took place between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, arguing that it failed to implement its ideas based on formality and a promising future.

Postmodernism is a cultural movement that prioritizes individualism, the cult of forms and the idea of the present , in the face of a bleak future. He opposes rationalism and the ideals of modernism that bet on progress to achieve a better life.

It also supposes a restructuring of art that expands towards the social and cultural sphere . It is a movement that is presented in opposition to modernism, although it is considered that it lacks a well-defined ideology.

The modernity was characterized by rationality, consistency, organization and the idea that there is only one absolute truth. Instead, postmodernism promulgates the acceptance of an emotional and intuitive state present in all human beings .

Postmodernism defends the diversity and possibility that all individuals think differently, the existence of chaos and conflict as a viable

Characteristics of Postmodernism

Postmodernism is characterized by representing the following points of view in opposition to modernism:

  • The individualistic and disinterested attitude towards the social.
  • The rejection of compliance with traditional norms .
  • The assertion that there is no single truth , but that there are different ways of knowing.
  • The crisis of modern metaphysical thought .
  • The lack of future projection of the youngest and a late adolescence-type lifestyle.
  • The denial that future societies will be more humane , more just and more prosperous because they are based on enlightened ideas.
  • The idea that reality is a conceptual construction and there is no natural objective reality independent of the human being and of life in society .
  • The opposition to reason and logic , which he considers as conceptual constructions and, therefore, valid only according to the social context and the intellectual traditions in which they are practiced.
  • The psychological aspects of humans that are primarily determined by society.

From art and literature , postmodernism was characterized by representing concepts such as:

  • The irony
  • Hyperreality
  • The magical realism
  • The unpredictable
  • Time warp
  • Paranoia

Postmodernism and globalization

Postmodernity and globalization

Postmodernism spread in a globalized world, that is to say, in which the economy , politics , technology and the social developed in an interrelated way across the entire planet . In this globalized world, both utopias and the fascination for the uncertain future, as well as the appreciation of the past and history , take second place. The main thing is the present.

The postmodern man is defined as disillusioned , away from the promise of progress and given over to a system of instantaneous consumption as a search for pleasure and satisfaction. The focus of power is centered on the consumer industry of which the media also form part, in which their representatives acquire more importance than the ideologies they represent.

The mass media become the main transmitters of culture , without a specific focus, except to control and dominate the collective conscience according to the interests of groups of power and money.

Social media , instant messaging and sophisticated technological devices partially broke in with that power and control, allowing people to interact with each other even though they are in distant parts of the world and to talk about issues that are not even mentioned in the media. mass communication

Sustainability and social equality

Sustainability and social equality

Postmodernism emerged as a movement against modernism because the latter failed to put its principles into practice. However, postmodernism, in addition to going against modernity, evidenced certain contradictions or ambivalent ideology. In his eagerness to bet on individualism, apathy and hopelessness for the future, at the same time he defends sustainable ideas and social equality.

It was during postmodernism that the main environmental protection movements , protesting social injustices and species awareness were created. For example:

  • Greenpeace (1978) . It is an international non-profit environmental organization that carries out communication and action campaigns on environmental, ecological, climate change, consumer issues and defends democracy .
  • USA for Africa Foundation (1985) . It consisted of a solidarity movement with more than 40 musical artists who created the famous song " We are the world " to raise awareness and funds to combat famine in Ethiopia.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational and educational purposes only and has been developed by referring reliable sources and recommendations from technology experts. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


MA student of the TransAtlantic Masters program at UNC-Chapel Hill. Political Science with a focus on European Studies. Expressed ideas are open to revision. He not only covers Technical articles but also has skills in the fields of SEO, graphics, web development and coding. .

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