We explain how creative people are and the qualities they have. Also, habits to develop creativity.

What is a creative person like?

A creative person is one who uses his imagination to find ways to create ideas or things and solve problems or challenges using the resources available. The creativity is an innate ability of the individual that lets you generate ideas, objects or novel and original pieces.

Creativity is not an exclusive trait of some people with talent or ability, but it is a capacity that all human beings have . However, there may be people who have more developed creative thinking, and this is usually due to the type of personality , environmental influences or because they learned and worked to improve those habits or skills that allow leading a more creative life.

The creative person stands out for his originality , his power of adaptation, his innovation and his curiosity. The use of creativity is clearly seen in people who develop in the field of design, music and the arts in general, although it is important to mention that creativity can be applied in any field or area in which the individual.

Characteristics of creative people

Characteristics of creative people

Some of the characteristics of creative people are:

  • They have an active mind . Creative people have a constant thirst for learning and discovery. Their minds are always on the go looking for new ways of doing or saying things. They do not settle for what already exists but seek to create, challenge structures and constantly break the balance.
  • They are authentic . Creative people often create from their own look, which is unique and original. They are usually people who then strive and give their all to show what they have created. They are honest individuals, perfectionists and critical of themselves.
  • They have initiative and are persistent . Creativity is often believed to be associated with inspirational strokes, "muses," or luck. However, creative people spend a lot of time developing their ideas or projects and, in many cases, it can be difficult for them to take their attention away from the topic that interests them. Creative people learn to cope with failure, take risks, and know the importance of trying again.
  • They are emotional . Creative people often have a strong connection to emotions and therefore well-developed emotional intelligence . This sometimes generates frequent mood swings in them and, often, they are individuals prone to introversion and social isolation (especially in conformist and not very challenging environments).
  • They are flexible . Whether in terms of their agendas and work methodologies, as well as environments, resources, materials, equipment or technologies , creative people are extremely flexible and adapt easily to the various circumstances that are presented to them.
  • They express themselves . Creative people often find a way to express what they have inside or their way of seeing the outside world. They have a detailed look and overcome the fear of exposure.
  • They are positive and determined . Creative people often have a positive mindset that allows them to find new paths and solutions. They are also very determined as they seek their own motivation to keep constantly moving towards their own goals.
  • They are brave and break with the established . Creative people do not tend to get carried away by "what will they say", but take risks and openly expose themselves, if that brings them closer to their goal. Also, their strong emotionality "blocks" them from the judgments of others, so it is easier for them to change their environment than to stop attending to their interests because of what others think.
  • They challenge themselves . Creative people are always looking for new challenges and tend to abandon their tasks if they are no longer challenging or stimulating enough. They are always looking for the new and novel and are usually nonconformists.
  • They are observant and curious . Creative people question the world around them, using their broad powers of observation and analysis to do so. They do not accept things as they are but analyze, look for a reason and, if it is not satisfactory, they ask the questions that seem appropriate to satisfy their curiosity.

Habits to develop creativity

Habits to develop creativity

There are some activities and habits that can be taken into account when wanting to develop creativity. Some are:

  • Organize the day.
  • Maintain a balanced diet that allows you to have energy.
  • Be inspired by the creation of others.
  • Surround yourself with creative people.
  • Write down the ideas.
  • Dedicate time to rest and leisure.
  • Work in different physical spaces.
  • Turn off electronic devices and put distractions aside.
  • Impose work hours and dedicate time to developing ideas.
  • Investigate the field in which one wants to develop.
  • Persevere and trust your own ideas.
  • Set goals.
  • Renew your energy by doing other types of activities, such as a sport , reading, or taking a walk.
  • Finish the projects.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Show the work to others and ask for opinions or other points of view.
  • Nourish yourself with stimuli and new ideas.
  • Modify routines.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational and educational purposes only and has been developed by referring reliable sources and recommendations from technology experts. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


Luke is passionate about fostering student involvement and connection. He studied psychology for his major and likes learning about the past. Luke aims to specialize in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. .

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