The already fantastic BlazePod app has gotten a number of helpful updates, such as the addition of Athlete Performance Tests, the capacity to store recordings, and the capability to share your score.
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What exactly is a BlazePod?
For the benefit of those who aren't already aware, BlazePod is a one-of-a-kind Flash Reflex Training system. It is not a one-of-a-kind product, but it is arguably the one that offers the most value for the money.
The purpose of this whole endeavour is to provide you with a training system that is user-friendly and flexible. You have the option of picking an activity from the accompanying smartphone app's extensive list of possibilities or coming up with your own.
A number of touch-enabled pods with lights are included in the system, and these pods are what you will be using to work out. They come with a variety of attachments that let you mount them to mirrors, doors, and other surfaces of your choice. You may also just utilize the pods themselves without any additional equipment.
The fact that there are an unlimited number of different methods to work out is one of the things that makes this entire endeavour so appealing. It usually just takes a few minutes to push yourself to the very extent of your capabilities. In the comprehensive evaluation, you can read about the exercises that we did with Blazepod. Alternatively, you might browse the BlazePod website.
Over the last several months, the firm has been quite actively working on various software upgrades. These are now available for download from the App Store, and you can get them right now.
Evaluations of Athletes' Performance
The most essential supplement is a series of examinations that are referred to as "athlete performance exams." You are able to test yourself, as well as your customers and athletes, in a variety of different ways thanks to this.
There are many major categories of examinations:
Tests on the BlazePod Level are meant to be more difficult during the course of the athlete's participation in the test, with the goal being to challenge them to their absolute capacity. The results of the test are shown in real time as the user is working through the activity.
The BlazePod Short Burst tests are designed to help you identify areas in which you are making progress as well as areas in which you have room for improvement. Once again, the whole process is shown in the app as the user goes through the exercise. When the test is over, you will be able to see a comparison of your current time to your prior time as well as your personal best. Every detail, even down to the millisecond level, is recorded. In addition to this, the various movement patterns that are required to get the greatest possible outcome will also be shown to you.
You will be presented with a demonstration video and setup instructions immediately inside the app for every test that you choose. You may also see the goal, which is then followed by a description of the examination and further information.
As was said, the Athlete Performance Exams may also be a helpful approach to tracking the progression of both your customers and your athletes. The application enables you to manage a number of different people, preserve their outcomes, and analyze their progression.
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Various other advancements
The option to store movies is yet another feature that has been included with the release of the new version of the app. In the past, you were simply able to take pictures of your workout. However, this feature has now been upgraded to include more capturing options. You will be able to better record and recall the specifics of the activities you have performed in the past with the aid of this feature.
Lastly, the application will now provide you with the option to share your findings. The options to share your activities, test results, progression, scores, and competition results have been updated to include a brand new option.

She has pursued her studies in The United States, where she has graduated in Business and Economics and is currently finishing her Master studies in International Economics and Finance. Miss. Amputee is fluent in three languages: English, Spanish and Russian and has elementary knowledge of French and Italian. She love exploring how Collaborative Research Group can become the best tool to achieve the (necessary) educational change. .
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