Dreaming of a flood or dreaming of water has many meanings, whether it is clean, transparent, cloudy, polluted, peaceful or torrential water, you must pay close attention to it so as not to lose sight of the signals that you may be receiving from your subconscious in your dream space, or the premonitions that are being revealed to you.

Water is a vital source for all living beings. His appearance in dreams represents essential aspects of our life. According to its characteristics, we will be facing positive or negative aspects. For example, crystal clear flowing water is associated with our ways of being, with tranquility, harmony, and peace.

Meanwhile, cloudy water is a sign of conflict, fear, pressure. When the water is rainy, we have to attend to the context in which it manifests itself, because depending on its intensity and the effects it causes, it may be revealing different realities of our personality or of relationships with the personal, family, work environment, etc.

Polluted water, high tides, hurricanes, represent anguishes, fears, bad omens. They are usually warnings that are manifested in dreams to alert us.

They are also dreams with floods. Dreaming of a flood can also be foreboding or bringing out very internal aspects of our being that we are not consciously perceiving.

Of course, we must first assess whether there is no other reason for such situations to be part of our dreams. Before entering other interpretations, we must ask ourselves if we have any traumatic memories with events of this nature , or if we saw a movie, some news report, or they told us about a flood, because if one of these is the case, you should not attribute it but to the memory of that event that undoubtedly made an impression on you.

In general lines, emotions, sensations, ways of being or acting in the face of specific situations in our lives, are expressed in these dreams in which water makes its own, gaining space and overflowing its geographical limits.

Remember that a flood is always classified as a disaster, due to the damage it causes to living things and objects. Therefore, it is associated with loss. Let's see then, some interpretations of dreams with floods:

Dream about flood water at home


The home is that space that we have built with our affections. It is not only the physical space, but the relationships that we establish within it with loved ones and with ourselves, as well as with our material goods.

For this reason, if you dream of a flood in your home or one of its rooms, you must attend to your inner self, that place where your most intimate being lives, especially where you keep your feelings.

Dream about flood water in the bathroom

If your bathroom is flooded with dreams, you must be afraid of the possibility of change. You are afraid to get out of the routine and life patterns that have already been established in your daily life. You must dare to transform.

The abandonment of old customs, the sudden changes, can be very positive if you manage to hit upon their goodness to overcome attitudes, relationships, naturalized habits.

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Dream about flood water in the room

Your room is that most personal home space. It is where your dreams even take place while it is where you sleep. Therefore, when dreaming that it is flooded, you should check if some environment, person or something else, has overwhelmed you.

Internally you are experiencing a feeling of suffocation or suffocation as a result of the weariness caused by that situation. Do not be afraid to face it, on the contrary, take charge of the matter and do everything possible to positively change that reality.

Dream of flood water in the kitchen

If you dream that the water exceeds the limits of your kitchen, it is because a tap or pipe broke, the dishwasher overflowed, or some faucet was left open, you should reflect on family conflicts.

You may be experiencing or problems in your family, especially due to the intrusion of third parties who have been given the task of altering the peace and harmony of that important affective nucleus.

Take care to assess well if someone is influencing your family or any of its members and that is altering their dynamics. If not, stay alert, without anguish, but with your senses open to any sign of conflict.

Dream about the flood water of a relative's house

If in your dream world you see or learn of the flooding of a loved one's residence, that person may require your help.

Perhaps he is going through a difficult time and needs your comfort or other support that you can provide to overcome the difficulty that afflicts him.

If they are your parents, siblings, grandparents, children, you should definitely approach them and ask them if they are okay and reach out to them as if you were helping them out of the flood water.

Dream about the flood water of someone else's house

If in your dreams you see the house of a neighbor, friend or simply a house that is not yours flood, you will surely witness problems that will affect others. This dream invites you to help whoever is at risk.

Perhaps it is not up to you to solve his problem, but to give him tools to help him. Take it in the metaphorical or literal sense, because that someone may require support for a repair in his home, his vehicle, his work space, or he needs your timely words of encouragement in a situation that afflicts him.

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Flood water in a public space

Dream about a flooded city

Cities are complex spaces, in which many realities come together. There are more organized, planned cities and others more chaotic and collapsed.

You will have to take into account what kind of city is flooded in your dreams and what are the causes. Perhaps a torrential rain ?; A congested sewage or sewage system? A broken clean water pipeline? A supernatural event such as a tidal wave or a rising watercourse?

Try to recognize how and why the flood happened , for surely this dream is representing a very personal state. You must be at a crucial moment in your life, you have to make decisions and define a course to follow, but you still do not hit the nail on the head.

You need to evaluate the different alternatives, which routes are presented to you and what implications one or the other would have to take. There are more orderly and delineated routes, others with more obstacles or less clear. Remember that the easy way is not always the most appropriate.

Do not let more time pass, do not forget that, as in the flood, the water reaches all spaces and if it does not find an outlet, its level rises. Avoid that it reaches your neck, face the situation with gallantry and you will see that you the chosen path will be the most indicated. Trust your own judgment.

Dream of a river overflowing

It is commonly said that "when the river sounds it is because it brings stones", likewise, when the river overflows, it is because something happens at its head or in its course that causes it to increase its flow and overflow.

In your dreams, you are that river or it represents the magnitude of your problems, the way you act in front of certain situations or the way you behave in front of others.

Observe the size of the river and its effects on the environment. Are they positive or negative? Does it cause damage or, on the contrary, does its growth guarantee the life of other beings that were suffering from drought?

Hear the sound of the river, its speed, and what it takes with it. Everything is a metaphor for your own life.

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Water characteristics

Dreaming of Crystal Water Flood

Clear water is a sign of cleanliness, purity, transparency. Surely you are in a good moment of your life. Calm, serene, with a clear conscience because you have acted correctly. Your environment is harmonious and you feel comfortable with the people around you.

If, on the other hand, your current panorama is tense, diffuse, rarefied, this dream speaks of your desires. You cry out to feel good and enjoy a happy environment.

Work on it, you can achieve it if you start by recognizing your place in the world and with determination you contribute to overcome difficulties, family, work, relationships, etc.

Dream about Flood of dirty water

If in your dreams you find yourself surrounded by cloudy water, submerged or standing in front of it, it is time for you to check well if in your life there are situations in which you are involved that are not entirely clear. 

Avoid misunderstandings, ironies, and conflicts due to the lack of honesty that may be caused by you or by other people. That cloudy, polluted water represents that negative environment.

Try to get out, to separate yourself from everything you think is not good for you, especially if this happens in your workplace or in other socializing spaces where gossip, ambiguity, intrigue has become part of everyday life.

Take care of your health, your diet, perhaps you do not have good habits and your body needs to cleanse itself, purify itself.

Dreaming of Flooding of Troubled Water

The troubled waters, in dreams mean problems, conflict situations. If the mixed water also grows and floods spaces, it means that the problems are gaining ground.

Heed this warning, it is a premonitory dream. You must evaluate your environment and within yourself to see what may be generating conflicts. Whether it is fostered by other people or by yourself, you have to do your part to overcome this rarefied climate.

Dreaming of a flood of sea water

If in your dream world you experience the impact of sea water overflowing, exceeding its limits and invading populated areas, try to reflect on your fears, on those things that cause you concern and that are overlapping inside you.

Like the sea that is sometimes calm and suddenly rises in big waves capable of dragging whatever gets in its way, so can those fears that remain repressed and that need to be addressed to better channel your emotions.

Don't be surprised or caught off guard by the wave. Prepare yourself, evaluate the situations in your life that you have not fully faced.

Dream about Rainwater Flood

In your dreams your moods usually manifest, surely you are sad or melancholic, feelings of nostalgia invade you, of longing for a past in which some situation or link with someone made you happy. The door of the rain and the magnitude of the flood reveal the strength of your feelings. Try to get the positive out of this emotional experience. It's time for introspection, look inside yourself.

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Dream about Flood and victims

This dream is premonitory, it warns you about problems that lie ahead in your family, work environment, or in some other space in which you operate.

Remember well in which situation you were in the dream, consider whether you were a spectator, victim or part of the rescuers of the rescue team of the people who suffered the attacks of the flood.

Your role in the dream will be crucial to identify your levels of responsibility for the problems that surround you, as well as the degree of vulnerability to them.

Dream about Flood and swim to be safe

If in your dreams you find yourself swimming to escape the risk of a flood, it is recommended that you reflect on your evasions.

It is possible that you are not facing the problems, escaping should not be a better alternative. It's okay to try to be safe, to protect your life and to stay emotionally and spiritually balanced, but it's not about running away or avoiding problems.

Face it trying to find solutions, because when the water gains space, it can return to its channel as long as it finds the ideal channels to do it, otherwise it will be stagnant, that's the problem.

Dreaming of Flooding of Scrambled Water

As in the dreams described above, you must consider where you are in the flood, you must also attend to the magnitude of the flood of water, since this type of dream means conflictive situations or even health problems that are coming and that merit greater watch out.

The dream may refer to you or a family member or other close person , try to identify situations in your environment similar to those described here if they are interpersonal problems, do your part to overcome them, if they are financial difficulties, evaluate if you are making the right decisions.

If it is medical, it contributes to a better diet, spends more time on some healthy physical activity, and generally tries to adopt better habits in your daily life.

Dreaming of flood disasters

Every natural disaster leaves its traces, the force of the water causes its effects on objects and people and it is usually necessary to restore it to return to normality, this is what happens in life.

After we experience difficult, troublesome circumstances, there comes a period of recovery in which we have to do our best if we want to recover.

As dreams are reflections of life, identify what has recently happened in yours that deserves this type of action to overcome the effects of any difficulty.

A depression caused by the disappearance or loss of a loved one, a job, a health complication or another problem of greater or lesser magnitude has left within you consequences that now require your especially emotional restoration work.

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Flood situations

Dream about dying in flood

In general, the dreams in which you die represent a long life , which means that death is only an opportunity for rebirth. That rebirth can be spiritual, sentimental, or physical.

Dying as a result of a flood may be a sign that you are in a renewal phase after experiencing emotional, family, economic, and labor difficulties. It is time to start a new stage in which everything will be better.

Dream about saving yourself from a flood

If in your dream you were the victim of a flood, but you came out safe and sound. It means that you have recently overcome problems. You can feel calm, the worst is over and now the water takes its course.

Take advantage of recovery to study the situations that caused the problems so that you do not recur.

Dreaming that you save others in flood

This dream refers to your relationship with other people, family, friends, acquaintances to whom you have reached out or have offered a word of encouragement in the face of situations that afflict you.

Today you feel satisfied for having helped these people, whether emotionally, laborly, economically, or in another field. The truth is that this dream constitutes recognition for your good actions.

Dream that your car is flooded and you are inside

Your vehicle as your home is surely a very precious material asset . In the dream, this flood in which you find yourself trapped can symbolize overwhelm.

Some circumstance makes you feel suffocated, it may be that your relationship is not going well or some emotional bond with another person is generating tension at this time.

Reflect on your performance in the dream. For example, if you managed to open the vehicle door to swim out of the overflowing waters or if you tried to keep yourself locked in that space, your performance is decisive. Only you have the key to get out of the problem.

Dream about objects floating in a flood

Aspects of your life are revealed in your dream world , from the interpretation of your subconscious. When we observe objects floating in a flood in your dreams, you must begin by identifying if these material goods belong to you or if they are generic objects with which you have no greater link, this can help you detect what these materialities represent in your existence.

What floats in the water is somehow safe, but cannot stay adrift, especially when it comes to aspects of your life. Take care to identify them so that you do not leave them to free will.

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Other dreams with flood

Dream about the Titanic

If you dream of this emblematic boat or another similar one, recalling the events that took place there, you will have to begin by identifying your role, whether you were a spectator, crew member, or rescue group.

A ship that is flooded or sinking in the middle of the ocean can represent yourself, your moods, your problems. The dream invites you to review what things in your life require more attention, to stay afloat and not be overlapped.

Remember that in the titanic some were saved and others did not run with the same fate and everything depended on the place of the ship they were in, as well as the decisions they made in the face of the surrounding danger.

For example, some chose to leave their destiny in the hands of nature, others tried to fight against it to save their precious life. Try to assess what is the attitude that you will assume before everything that implies an obstacle to your good personal development.

Dream about troughs

In your dreams you see a flood caused by the floods of water from the mountains that flood a valley with its mighty course, surely you are before a premonitory dream.

Difficult situations are coming that you can easily identify if you pay careful attention.

The dream metaphor tells you about the slopes, the channels through which the water will take its course sooner or later, no matter what is in its path.

The footprints of this disaster undoubtedly depend on the force of the water, but its impact can be predicted by studying its circulation routes. Apply this metaphor to your life so you can make the right decisions.

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The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational purposes only and has been developed by referring to reliable sources and recommendations from Dream Analyst. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


Clinton Quintero is a Certified Dream Analyst, Psychic Advisor, Journalist, Syndicated Columnist, Author, Dream Therapist, Mentor and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Uncover the hidden meaning of your dreams with him. .

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