We explain who Jesus was, what his story was like, and why he was considered the son of God. Also, its characteristics and resurrection.

Who was Jesus of Nazareth?

Jesus (also known as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ) is one of the most influential figures in Western culture and a central axis of Christianity.

He was a Jewish preacher who lived in the 1st century in Galilee and Judea and was sentenced to death by crucifixion. In the framework of the Christian religion, he is considered a son at the same time the incarnation of God. According to Christianity, three days after dying on the cross, Jesus rose again, appeared to his disciples, and ascended into heaven.

Although he is mentioned in non-Christian sources, what is known about him is mainly due to the Gospels, which narrate his life, were written after his death, and are the basis of his worship. Therefore, the characteristics listed here are those described by Christianity.

Miraculous conception

The conception of Jesus was the work of the Holy Spirit, so he was conceived in the body of his mother, Mary, without her losing her virginity.

Her father, José, was only then her legal father because he was Maria's husband. Before the pregnancy, Joseph did not disown Mary because an angel explained the miracle to him and prophesied that Jesus would be the Messiah expected by the Jewish people.

Adoration of the Magi from the East

Adoration of the Magi from the East

When Jesus was born, three wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem guided by a star to worship the child, whom they recognized as "the king of the Jews," that is, the expected Messiah.


The king of Judea, Herod, learned of the arrival of the magi and why they were there. For fear of finding in "the king of the Jews" a rival to his power, he decided to murder all the newborn children in Bethlehem.

Joseph was warned of this persecution by an angel and so Jesus and his family traveled to Nazareth (which is why he is known as Jesus of Nazareth).


John the Baptist was a prophet who announced the imminent arrival of the Messiah. Jesus was baptized by him, at which point the voice of God identified Jesus as his son.



The apostles are the twelve main followers of Jesus: Simon (Peter), Andrew, James the Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the publican, James the Alpheus, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.


Jesus preached in synagogues or in the open air, and when he spoke crowds gathered around him. His form of preaching included parables: short stories of an enigmatic sense that were later clarified by Jesus (one of the most important examples is the parable of the sower).


Unlike other preachers and religions, Jesus insisted on love for other human beings, including enemies. The love of friends is not the same merit as the love of enemies, which distinguishes genuine believers.



In addition to preaching, Jesus performed miracles of different nature such as:

  • Healings of the blind, paralyzed, lepers, and other diseases.
  • Expulsions of spirits from the bodies of people and places.
  • Miracles about nature such as calming storms, walking on water, multiplying loaves and fishes.
  • In addition to his own resurrection (celebrated on Easter), Jesus resurrected his friend Lazarus



Passion is called the events that occurred between the Last Supper and the death of Jesus in Jerusalem. At the Last Supper Jesus anticipated the betrayal of one of his followers, Judas, who had made an agreement with the Jewish priests to expose him. Judas's denunciation was a kiss.

Jesus was arrested for preaching that he was the Messiah (a blasphemy for the Jews), an accusation against which he did not defend himself. Jerusalem was under Roman rule, so the Roman attorney, Pontius Pilate, defined that the blasphemy of which he was accused was not enough and he does not find him guilty.

But when he gave the crowd a chance to free Jesus or a bandit, the crowd chose the bandit. Jesus was scourged and forced to carry the cross wearing a crown of thorns on his head. After being crucified, he died and was buried in the tomb covered with a stone and guarded by guards.



Three days after his death, Jesus appeared to his disciples and the tomb was empty. The resurrection is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

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Luke is passionate about fostering student involvement and connection. He studied psychology for his major and likes learning about the past. Luke aims to specialize in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. .

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