We explain what the Generation of 27 is and how it originated. In addition, what are its general characteristics and authors who were part of it.

What is the Generation of 27?

Generation 27 is the name by which he identifies a group of Spanish poets who represented the most notable of the literature of the twentieth century .

These poets were influenced by European movements such as Symbolism , Futurism, and Surrealism , but they do not represent revolutionary or politically or socially inclined thinking .

The works of the Generation of 27 were characterized by the constant and bold use of metaphor and new words created in order to convey intense emotions in the poems . Authors such as Federico García Lorca and Rafael Alberti stood out.

Historical context of the Generation of 1927

Historical context of the Generation of 27

The historical context in which the Generation of 27 group emerged was characterized by:

  • The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera ( Spain 1923-1930)
  • The depression of 1929 (stock market crash and world crisis)
  • The proclamation of the second Spanish republic (democratic regime between 1931 and 1939)
  • The Spanish Civil War of 1936 (which ended in 1939). Fact that accentuated the humanized vision of poetry .
  • The First World War (1914-1918)
  • The Second World War (1939-1945)

From the creation of the movement until the emergence of the Spanish civil war,  poets began to spread their works more and more, which is why the movement was considered a means of escape from emotions, given the events that haunted Spain during those years. .

Characteristics of the Generation of 27

Characteristics of the Generation of 27

The Generation of '27 was characterized by the particularity of its works . In the early days, the verses emphasized art . Later, after the influence of surrealism and other currents of the time, the movement produced poetry with an emphasis on the expression of feelings and taboo subjects, such as homosexuality. This type of work was called "humanized poetry."

This type of poetry contained a language oriented towards  intellectuality and beauty , where rhetorical figures such as metaphor were present, to express surrealist themes. The structure of the verses was the classic one, like a sonnet, carol or romance. In addition, they used techniques outside of a metric (set of rules), such as:

  • Free verses.  They were not subject to measure or rhyme.
  • White verses.  They were subject to measure, but not to rhyme.
  • Verses. It does not have a fixed number of rhymes or syllables (between 8 and 12 syllables).

Origin of the name Generation of 27

Origin of the name Generation of 27

The generation of avant-garde authors emerged in 1927 with its founders Pedro Salinas, Melchor Sánchez Almagro, Rafael Alberti and Gerardo Diego, who designated a name for the group paying homage to the greatest exponent of Baroque literature of the Golden Age , Luis de Góngora (1561 -1627) , since it was 300 years after his death. The name "generation of 27" then emerged.

Authors of the generation of 27

Some of the main authors of the Generation of 27 are:

  • Adriano del Valle (1895-1951)
  • Dámaso Alonso (1898-1990)
  • Emilio Prados (1899-1962)
  • Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)
  • Gerardo Diego (1896-1987)
  • Jorge Guillén (1893-1984)
  • Luis Cernuda (1902-1963)
  • Manuel Altolaguirre (1905-1959)
  • Melchor Sánchez Almagro (1893-1966)
  • Pedro Salinas (1891-1951)
  • Rafael Alberti (1902-1999)
  • Vicente Aleixandre (1898-1984)

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