We explain what the Spanish monarchy is and its main characteristics. Also, who are your representatives today and more.

What is the Spanish Monarchy?

The Spanish Monarchy is one of the most traditional European monarchies still in force , which today has the character of a parliamentary monarchy .

It is considered that the Spanish monarchy was consolidated after the marriage of Isabel I of Castile with Fernando II of Aragon , which meant the union of two important dynasties of the Iberian Peninsula. Later, other territories were annexed, such as Granada or Navarra.

Characteristics of the Spanish monarchy:

Disruptions in the Spanish monarchy

Spain is a long-standing monarchy, only interrupted during three periods: that of the First Republic (1873–1874), that of the Second Republic (1931–1939) and during the Franco regime (1939–1975).

Start of the Spanish monarchy

Although historians usually mark as the beginning of this monarchy the personal and dynastic union of the so-called Catholic Monarchs (Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon), since the 5th century Hispania was ruled by the so-called Hispanogoda monarchy, political and legal successor from Rome on the Peninsula.

Some kings of the Spanish monarchy

Various kings succeeded each other during the centuries of the Reconquest of the southern lands of the Peninsula, under Muslim rule; Alfonso VI and Alfonso VII of León and Castilla were some of them.

The treatment of "Catholics" of the kings Fernando, Isabel and their successors was granted by Pope Alexander VI in 1496, in reference to the strong adherence of Spain to the Catholic faith, since then and for several centuries. The Crusades constitute the most complete example of this fervent and excessive adhesion.

Objectives of the Spanish monarchy

The main objectives of the Catholic Monarchs were, in matters of internal politics, to achieve the internal pacification of Spain (until then divided into several kingdoms) and to create a central power; In matters of foreign policy, it was an important objective to isolate France and expand the dominions through expeditions to various parts of the world. Many of these trips meant to the Spanish Crown the annexation of colonies, from which they obtained important riches. This led to the formation of a true empire.

Relations of the Spanish monarchy

In the Spanish monarchy, different nations, different political traditions and even several languages coexisted. Loyalty to the king was the only element of cohesion in the beginning.

The catholic faith

It became necessary to endow the monarchy with an ideological element that would generate unity and identity, and this element was the unwavering defense of the Catholic faith. That is why during the monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs the Court of the Inquisition was created, an institution that gave rise to a climate of terror and religious intolerance, not only in Spain but also in its colonies.

It is worth clarifying that the inquisitorial institution is not a Spanish creation. The first inquisition, the episcopal, was created in the 12th century by Pope Lucius III as an instrument to combat the Albigensian heresy in the south of France. (More in Spanish Inquisition ).

Current Spanish monarchy

In the current Spanish monarchy, the king is the Head of State and as such assumes the representation of the Spanish State in international relations, it also represents a symbol of unity and is the supreme command of the Armed Forces.

The Parliament

The Spanish monarchy is parliamentary, the power resides in the citizens when electing their representatives in Parliament. Therefore, it is the Parliament and not the king who directs Spanish politics. The Spanish Parliament is called the Cortes Generales.

Representatives of the current Spanish monarchy

Currently the representative of the Spanish monarchy is King Felipe VI, his wife Letizia and their daughters, the Princess of Asturias Leonor and the Infanta of Spain Sofía. Felipe VI received the throne in 2014, when his father, King Juan Carlos I, abdicated in his favor, after a 39-year reign.

The above content published at Collaborative Research Group is for informational and educational purposes only and has been developed by referring reliable sources and recommendations from technology experts. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit.


She has pursued her studies in The United States, where she has graduated in Business and Economics and is currently finishing her Master studies in International Economics and Finance. Miss. Amputee is fluent in three languages: English, Spanish and Russian and has elementary knowledge of French and Italian. She love exploring how Collaborative Research Group can become the best tool to achieve the (necessary) educational change. .

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